Eliminate Anonymous JavaScript Functions with Pointfree Programming

Kyle Shevlin
InstructorKyle Shevlin

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This lesson teaches you what pointfree programming is, passing a named function as an argument to avoid writing an anonymous function with interim variables instead. Pointfree programming increases code legibility, decreases the surface area for bugs, and makes our code more composable and unit testable. We will demonstrate this by removing the anonymous arrow function passed as a callback to a map method with a named function.

Michal Domarus
Michal Domarus
~ 6 years ago

This one is my favourite

Darryl Dexter
Darryl Dexter
~ 6 years ago

Does this eventuality become hard to follow with so many small units? I wanna try the approach but, this is a concern from a few people on my project. Have any examples of this approach at scale?

Kyle Shevlin
Kyle Shevlininstructor
~ 6 years ago

Hi Darryl,

Does this eventually become hard to follow with so many small units?

"Hard to follow" is subjective. With practice, reading compositions and the use of pointfree functions can become very natural. Then you might wonder if it's not harder to follow a more imperative code base.

I think it's reasonable that this might be difficult or tedious to adopt, but what's great about what I teach here is that it can be adopted incrementally or not at all. I don't always do pointfree programming. I use many lambdas in my codebase, but knowing how to code pointfree gives me options.

I most often use pointfree programming in two places: when I am transforming data (which is a lot of what we do in frontend development) and within React classes for lists. I can create a method that will render a portion of my output, say the individual item of a list and then pass that method in to the map to create the list.

const Item = ({ id, text }) => <li key={id}>{text}</li>

const List = ({ items }) => (

Have any examples of this approach at scale?

I've never tried to make an entire codebase with this approach, but decent portions of my own projects and some of Webflow's codebase uses pointfree programming. It's all about using it where it makes sense and where it adds value to your work. In JavaScript, we have so much flexibility that often that's a challenging question to answer, but that's why we're paid, to make decisions about what's best for our specific situation.