This collection intends to provide viewers with examples of the different Algebraic Data Types that are commonly used in programming. All of these ADTs can be found within the Fantasy Land specification which consists of common algebraic data types used in the realm of web development. By adhering to the different laws that each ADT is built upon, users of the spec are provided with interoperability when using different algebras, ultimately providing them with an incredibly powerful set of tools.
Become familiar with the Workers CLI wrangler
that we will use to bootstrap our Worker project. From there you'll understand how a Worker receives and returns requests/Responses. We will also build this serverless function locally for development and deploy it to a custom domain.
This is a practical project based look at building a working e-commerce store using modern tools and APIs. Excellent for a weekend side-project for your developer project portfolio
git is a critical component in the modern web developers tool box. This course is a solid introduction and goes beyond the basics with some more advanced git commands you are sure to find useful.